Friday, March 29, 2013



Viewers, as I am a spiritual medium, I act as “channel” for a group of non-physical (as in on this planet) beings who have been with me from the beginning of my life here on Earth, even though I did not reunite with them or “tune in” until 1997 though I had tried and failed to do so in 1971.  After we “hooked up” and for the next 11 years, I only communicated with them for personal guidance; after that, I began to offer what I have come to refer to as their “Bigger Picture Perspective” to the public.  This perspective literally saved my life on several occasions; in fact, I don’t know how I had survived without it before I found them again.  

Although there have been many hundreds of transmissions, this is the first one I’m offering on my website that both introduces my “friends from afar” and that explores the topic of what many, who have had near-death experiences, call “the white light.”  

Ps: We are here.  Good morning Mary sunshine.  How’s our bright girl today?

Mary:  Fine.  Please introduce yourselves and then tell us about the white light, from your perspective, as there have been many books written about it.  I know I used to think you were the Pleadians; hence the nickname “Ps.”  Do you have a name?  Or a sound you use? 

Ps:  Yes, Mary, we do but you can’t see it in your human language syllables; there are too many for you to think of every time you call us so we will say we are the Ps and let it go at that.

Let us talk first about ourselves.  We are your friends from afar, Mary.  You know that as we’ve been telling you this for ages—and then some.  But let us tell your viewers out there as well.  We come from a place not on your star maps.  It is another dimension entirely so it doesn’t show up anywhere in the physical world.

Mary:  I saw five of you that day in my room in Virginia Beach.  You were opaqish-white, see-through, and three of you were standing where my bed was-standing in it.  You were made up of white light although yours wasn’t blinding like when I saw the white light in meditation that day in NYC.  Why was I able to see you then but not since that day?

Ps:  You don’t want to; it doesn’t interest you.  Be honest, Mary.  You could see us if you wanted to and we mean it.  Just go ahead.  See us around you, standing in your bed now.  We are everywhere you are—and then some.  We know your thoughts as well.  We are “hooked up” to you.

Mary: I guess I’m afraid to get that close to you and would rather keep things at a distance if that makes sense.  I think there’s a part of me that is afraid I’ll go crazy if I allow it to happen.  This is because I wasn’t taught of your existence when I was a child.  I had no frame of reference then or now.  People on Earth don’t believe in this kind of thing; it scares them to think of extraterrestrials of any kind from any dimension even though many people now believe in the phenomenon of our not being the only life in the universe.  Am I related to you in some way and if so, how can this be since I am human?

Ps:  You are one of us, Mary.  You have human origin.  We were here too once upon a time long, long ago.  We were coming here before there were humans to inhabit this world of yours.  We need your help; that’s why you are here.  You’re one of us here on assignment.

Mary:  Not that I haven’t heard this before but please explain for the public what that is.

Ps: You are here on Earth to make it habitable for us again.  This is what your “root race” is all about, Mary dear.  It is about freeing the people and making things right and just there on Earth for human civilization of which we are a part whether you know and understand it or not.  We are part of you too, Mary.  We always have been.

Mary:  Do you know what DNA is?

Ps:  Yes we do.  Yours is greater than that, see.  Bigger we should say.  More to it.  Rounder.

Mary:  More than double-stranded?  Do you know what that is?

Ps:  Yes we do.  It is not what you are, see.  You have been coming here for a long time so it is not as rounded as it used to be; however, it is bigger, there’s more to it, than the normal human population.  In time, you’ll see what we mean when we say there’s more to you than meets the eye.  It is what and who you are.  It is more than most.  It is the best.  Look at your natal chart.

Mary:  In my natal chart, I have the Sun and Moon in the signs they rule which I’ve never seen before though I know others, though not many, can have these same luminary positions, certainly anyone who was born the same year, day and time as myself.  You just don’t see this kind of thing in birth charts as a rule.  What are the odds of both of them being in the signs they rule that represent energies operating the way they were meant to be expressed without hindrance?  The Sun and Moon form the foundation of any chart much like the base string of a guitar.  The planet configurations relative to these two luminaries and the aspect, if any, they make to each other, denoting the male “animus” and female “anima” parts of our psyche (Carl G. Jung) and how they work together or apart, are what make each person one of a kind or unique from every other.  It is the sound or tone or make-up of the instrument that is me and every person born on Earth.

Ps:  It had to be this way for a reason.  You had to be like that in order to do your work on Earth.  You had to be balanced on both sides of the equation.  You are a measuring stick of sorts, Mary.  You help people that way.  Let’s go on.

Mary: I’ve often wondered about that.  Explain in depth the White Light.  I hear there are two kinds of white light; is that true?

Ps:  Yes and then some.  Some of it is good; some of it is harsher than you’d want in your life, meaning this other light is the kingdom of religions that enslave people “in his righteousness.”  

Mary:  Of whom do you speak?  

Ps:  The “shining one” we call it, not the great one but the corrupt one.  He has his own light, Mary, and you should stay away from it or it will trap you as it has your sisters and brothers and mother.  

Mary:  I know.  I barely escaped it twice in my 63 years of living!  

Ps:  Your father escaped it in time; he got away because he couldn’t stand it anymore.  You had to leave to get away as far as you could to escape it.  It is corrupt practice and an enslavement of humanity.  It is the king of all forms of enslavement; there is no other that is greater and it is everywhere on Earth.  It is a net cast down around the human brain; you know it when you see it.

Mary: I call it a straightjacket put around the minds of children when they are too young which my siblings and I inherited from our mother.  It is sanctioned insanity of the most insidious kind and if you ask me, the most evil I’ve seen here because it happens under the guise of what God wants us to do to please Him.  To me, God is pure love.  This “God” however, is one to be feared.  Either God is love or He isn’t.  Love and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time.

Ps:  Isn’t that so?  That is the light we speak of; not the real light of heaven but the light of insanity.  Light is consciousness, Mary.  From our perspective, that is what the word means.  The more you have of it, the greater your consciousness.  This is not that.  This is a warped faction of the true light of God.  It is not His own; it is some one who comes in His name, and corrupts the word of God.

Mary: Please then tell me about the true “White Light.”

Ps:  It is glorious beyond perception of a human mind to understand.  It comes when you least expect it and “makes your day.”  It is true humanity and the brilliance of nature and what it can do for all human beings who live on Earth.  

It is love, in a word.  Sunshine of the heart.  Brilliance of the mind.  It penetrates everything; it is behind everything you see in the physical world.  There would be no world without it, Mary.  It is the underfabric of the universe as we know it.  It is what gives us life and without it, we would not have any of it.  We would never smile, never cry, never do anything or have anything or want anything or need anything or be anything.  It is the sky and the planets, everything you see and don’t see for there are many dimensions, Mary.  The universe is a big place, bigger than you know.  

We are here from another sphere, another plane of consciousness.  You are one of us here on assignment in human form. 

Mary: But how can that be?  How can that happen?  How can I be a human being and at the same time be an extraterrestrial in a suit of human clothing?  No one’s gonna believe that; heck, I still have a hard time believing it and I’ve been communicating with you for nearly 16 years! 

Ps:  We implant ourselves in human embryos and grow alongside of this substance.  It’s not easy to explain; this is the purpose behind the phenomenon of “abduction.”  We are sophisticated compared to your scientists on Earth; we can do things they can’t—AND THEN SOME.  

We know that sounds crazy to you but you’ve always been different than the rest wherever you go.  You don’t fit in.  It’s not your fault.  You’re not one of them and they know it on a level unseen and unacknowledged.   You’ll come back to us when you are ready, when you have completed your mission.  It takes white light to do that, you know.  It takes a lot of it to leave and return to our plane of being.  It’s dark and heavy there where you are but not here.  It’s light and breezy.  Notice we use the word “light.”  It’s all light here.  We are from what’s behind the stars.  We are from the White Light; that’s why you love the color spectrum so much, Mary.  It is why your websites are full of color and beauty everywhere you look.  It is why you write so well and should write for a living.  Start writing more.

Mary: I am right now.

Ps:  True.

Mary: Is there anything more you want to say about the White Light?

Ps:  It’s glorious and the best thing that’s ever happened to you.  You can see it in your meditation like you have before; just want it again.

Mary:I know I wasn’t ready for it when it happened.  It is whiter than white, so powerful, so “MUCH.”  It caught me completely off guard and I couldn’t handle it at the time.  What is the “tunnel” we go through to get to the white light when we leave our human body for good as I understand we leave our body at night sometimes when we are asleep?

Ps:  Mary, you’ve asked an important question.  Let us explain.  When you die, you will have to go through a series of steps to get to the light; this is the tunnel you speak of.  That’s all it means.  Your sister skipped through it because she was prepared and knew it for what it was.  She knew of it, we should say.  She knew it would be there for her when she woke up.  You will too.  It won’t take you long to remember from whence you came.  You’ll be here in no time.  It’s like that for people who understand.  For others who are in shock, they wander their way through until they finally realize they are home.  

Mary:  You spoke of the White Light being the Brain of God when I asked you about it many years ago.  

Ps:  It’s everything in creation; everything is made from it.  It is God Consciousness; there is no finer Substance than this He uses to create with.  It is His word made manifest and from it comes many things.  

Mary: Is there a Goddess Consciousness as well?

Ps:  She is everything too.  She is One with God.  They are both One and the same, Mary.

Mary: Is there anything else you want to say before we close this transmission?

Ps:  We wish you well in all you achieve in Their Light of Love.  Stay in it all ways.  Tell your friends that for us.  Stay in the Light.  The true Light for it is infused with Love.

Mary: Thank you as always.  I love you too.    


Editor’s Note:  For those of you who find the above claims incredulous, consider the following “facts” you and/or other Christians or members/former members of other religions have been indoctrinated with:

  • Evangelical-ism:  Rapture doctrine did not exist before John Darby invented it around 1830 A.D.  Before it popped into his head, no one had ever heard of a secret rapture doctrine.  John Nelson Darby’s Synopsis of the Bible includes commentary on every book of the New Testament.
  • Catholic-ism: 
    • Confession. This began in the 12th Century.
    • Women can’t be priests:  Nowhere in the Bible does it say that.
    • Priest celibacy:  This began in the 4th century when a presiding pope decided to no longer give land or pensions to their widows after their death.  And even then, priests could still marry; they just couldn’t have sex. (Wow, that must have been fun.)
    • Papacy:  Jesus never said anything about a pope, let alone live in a palace, get carried around in a chair like Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra, have a secret bank (today under indictment for money laundering), or be infallible, the latter of which began in 1870 A.D.
    • No meat on Friday:  I remember being told I’d go to hell if I ate meat on Friday by the nuns at my grade school, another infallible communication of God’s through his channel, the pope.  Suddenly one day, another pope said this discipline was no longer necessary for Catholics to observe.  Why?  Because too many of the faithful left over the No Birth Control ruling in the 1968 Ecumenical Council?
    • The Holy Ghost:  Tertullian made this up in the 3rd Century.
    • Jesus never condemned Astrology, channelling, homosexuality, or other things the Church taught against.
    • As far as all the rules go, it seems the whole thing was made up by a bunch of guys as they went along; it was like today’s Wikipedia--anyone can write something in.  It’s the only organization selling an invisible product (ex:  The Holy Trinity) nobody can prove or disprove, while running a child sex ring (since forever) that still keeps its customers.
  • Islam-ism:  Where do I start?  I can’t seem to get past the black burka made of polyester made from oil (unless you’re rich and can afford silk) that doesn’t breathe in those sweltering hot climates of Arabia.
  • Buddh-ism teachings:  Still too patriarchal for me.  Why has there never been a female Dalai Lama and why is the emotional subtle body God created so bad, monks must detach from their own, basically using meditation as a means of escaping having to feel  their feelings?
  • Juda-ism:  Aren’t they committing their own version of ethnic cleansing similar to what white man has been doing to the American Native Indians, on 3.2 million Palestinian refugees whose 55% of land UN resolution 181 stole from them and gave to the Jews, in addition to lands the Israelis later stole in the wars of 1948, 1967 and 1973 while Jews in this country (whose government backed this operation in 1947 and beyond) turned a blind eye same as the Germans did when their people were being ethnically cleansed?  You’d think if ANYBODY would notice, it’d be members of this religion.
I learned the hard way, a long time ago, that if you want to know God, drop your religion.  Jesus did.  I believe in Jesus; I just don’t believe in 99.99% of his followers.  And by the way, if you’re going to break God down into gender, that is, if there’s a God the Father and a God the Son and yet only a woman can give birth to a son who becomes a father, where is God the Mother in the equation?  No wonder women are abused around the world to this day!  What’s up with that?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


How Natal, Along with Compatibility Horoscopes, Save
ou Time, Energy, Money and Heartache

As you know, there are many different kinds of relationships, be it parent-child, husband-wife, employer-employee, business owner-customer, sibling-sibling, teacher-student, etc. Some of these relationships are saviors in our lives while others are an albatross around our necks.

Give us two equally qualified bosses in the same job and we’ll naturally work better with one than we do the other even though both are nice people. What if we’re born into a large family where we feel like an orphan, misunderstood, or we feel like we are not loved, resentful of our siblings who experience the opposite with each other and our parents? Is it our entire fault; is there something wrong with us?

Why are we close with one of our siblings, while constantly arguing with another? Why do we (secretly) favor one of our children over the others, even wishing we had not given birth to one of them, living with the guilt?

What makes us love someone more than another regardless of what kind of relationship we are in?

Maybe we have problems relating, in general; for example, we lose our sense of individuality and career aspirations as soon as we consummate a love relationship, experiencing the same loss of our sense of “Self” with multiple relationships until we give up ever finding a life partner.

What makes a person incapable of fidelity no matter how hard s/he tries to be faithful to another?

Why do some people have a hard time getting along with people, choosing a life of solitude because it’s less painful that way even though they need to give and receive love too?

Synastry, the branch of Astrology that deals with relationship compatibility, seeks to answer these and other questions regarding the art of relating for it is an art, a skill to be acquired in youth and built upon over time. The NATAL (BIRTH) HOROSCOPE shows how well we relate to “the other,” in general, as well as our attributes we have going for us that we can offer in our quest for fulfilling relationships.

Believe me when I say EVERYBODY comes to the table with pluses and minuses; its learning what they are that makes us proactive rather than victims, accentuating the positive while keeping a tight lid on our own Pandora’s Box.

Did you know that people, in general, have a very hard time accepting their attributes, and yet the more they do, the more empowered they become in all areas including their social life?

Your NATAL HOROSCOPE, along with the environment you were raised in, represents what you’ve got to work with in any relationship; it’s the foundation you stand upon. If this foundation has cracks in it, you must build a new foundation or the old will undermine all of your relationships no matter how fortuitous.

Having said that, when you DO find someone you think might be Mr. or Mrs. Right, before you get to the emotional place of no return, it pays to have a COMPATIBILITY HOROSCOPE done because it’s the equivalent of marriage counseling, only you get it going into the relationship instead of coming out of it in divorce or separation. This is the equivalent of preventative holistic health medicine vs. allopathic modern medicine. You want to know what the odds are; that is, the strengths and weaknesses of the association; how good the rapport is and whether it can withstand the test of time, simply because you might find something better with someone else. Playing the field equals shopping around for the best fit; when you incorporate Astrology, you’re not going in blind.

As much as I know you don’t want to hear this, it wouldn’t be ethical of me if I didn’t warn you ahead of time about the dangers associated with having sex too early in the relationship. Sex is so powerful a force, it blinds you to the other’s true morals, set of values, personal and business ethics, religious ideology, how s/he’d raise children, character defects, all those things you’ll have to live with, or die trying. Sex, if it’s good enough, is as addictive as heroin; you’ll do anything to get more of it so why open up that door until you find out how much harmony there is between the two of you?

Remember, you’re only looking for one person; all the others who come before this one, are karmic relationships that will leave you crying if you get too close. Sexual harmony may be half the marriage but more often than not, it’s the other half that takes place outside of the bedroom you need to be worried about.

Synastry Astrology takes the guessing work out of the equation, as it weighs the pros and cons of any relationship, sexual or otherwise. If people put as much effort into shopping around for the best partner they could find, like they do when shopping for the best car, or the best home, or the best schools, our society wouldn’t have a high divorce rate.

India’s divorce rate is low because they arrange their children’s marriages in having COMPATABILITY HOROSCOPES done for a number of possible candidates; contrast this with America’s 50% divorce rate.

The best COMPATIBILITY HOROSCOPES will be replete with the following kinds of cross-aspects between the NATAL HOROSCOPES of both parties:
In order for you to have any kind of cohesive relationship with anyone for any reasonable length of time, there has to be ample attraction and endurance cross-aspects between key points and planets in both natal charts of those you wish to enter into a long-term relationship with. Without attraction aspects, you’d be like two ships passing in the night; with only attraction aspects, the association wouldn’t last; with only endurance aspects, you might feel like you’re doing hard time, bound to the other with little satisfaction to be gained.


A couple of decades ago, I needed a job as a temp receptionist and was worried I wouldn’t find one. My astrologer told me this: “It’s all about rapport, Mary, between you and the one who’s hiring; as long as you have the minimum level of skills necessary for the job, these are secondary to rapport. You’ll be hired over others who have higher skill levels IF you have the best, the GREATEST rapport with this one. S/He will go out of his/her way to hire you above the rest if s/he likes you more than the others. And there’s nothing you can do about it because it’s the energy between both of you that decides the outcome. You cannot be somebody you are not. Rapport is THE quintessential deal maker or deal breaker in every kind of relationship you want to experience. So don’t feel bad if you don’t get the job. Go to other companies until you find someone you have great rapport with.” Boy did that sage advice she gave me save a lot of time and feeling bad about myself in the process!

Have you ever been introduced to a nice enough person but almost instantly disliked that one even though he or she had done nothing wrong? You couldn’t figure it out; in fact, you didn’t want to figure it out. You just didn’t care for that one, period, end of story.

Another scenario is one in which you meet someone who reminds you of someone else that you don’t like. Again, this one did nothing wrong and yet, as irrational as it seems, you are repelled by this one. It’s really a question of rapport or lack of it, isn’t it? These are what cross-aspects of attraction between two horoscopes denote: How well or not we literally feed each other’s energy fields, for when you break it all down, it’s really all about energy and how it moves in this universe. IT’S ALL ABOUT THE ENERGY.

Have you ever been around someone who left you feeling drained of energy? In contrast, have you ever been around someone who energizes you? Once you understand how your energy works, you can use it to better advantage; this is the beginning of enlightenment.

When I study cross-aspects in the natal charts of two people, the first tier of key things I want to see are ample harmonious aspects between Chart A’s Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars and Chart B’s Ascendant (synonymous with Rising Sign) AND vice-versa. Without enough of them, it is clear to me, that both individuals are settling for less than what they truly deserve and could find elsewhere when the time is right via Progressions (see Future Forecast).

So many think Astrology is about nothing more than your Sun sign but nothing could be farther from the truth and nowhere is this more the case than in Synastry Astrology. Sure, harmonious Sun signs signify good harmony of temperament which can be very beneficial to any relationship but it’s not a deal breaker if you don’t have it. Sun sign harmony is both an aspect of endurance AND attraction as it denotes mutual sympathy between the two people.

The Ascendant is the cusp of the first of twelve “houses” (areas of a person’s life) that represents YOU, the owner of the natal chart. It rules the SELF. All of the other houses relate to this most sensitive key “angle” in the chart just as all of the areas of your life are not you but are aspects of your life not unlike the spokes of a wheel. The other person’s “personal” planets must aspect it or there may not be enough attraction let alone rapport.

There are other types of attraction cross-aspects, such as Sun-Moon, Venus-Mars, Venus-Moon, Moon-Moon, Sun-Mars, Venus-Jupiter, Venus-Uranus, and others including the Descendant, another power point angle of a Natal Horoscope, directly opposite the Ascendant, that rules the marriage partner, and significant others such as our attorney or physician, clients, customers, people we meet, etc. Aside from early childhood training, the Descendant is an important area in that it shows strengths and/or weaknesses as far as getting along with others is concerned.

All said, the higher the number of aspects made to one’s Ascendant by the other’s personal planets and/or Ascendant, the stronger the attraction, including sexual attraction (though there should be at least one good aspect between one person’s Mars and the other person’s Venus for sexual harmony).

One could say the Ascendant of a horoscope is the window through which you look out and the window through which others see you. In addition, the Ascendant is your persona or mask you wear, the envelope, not unlike your skin that protects your tender flesh inside. When you get all dressed up for an important date, this is “your best foot forward,” for it is what someone immediately experiences upon getting close enough to shake your hand. It is the initial encounter and the first impression that lasts, I don’t care what they say! This is what people are judging when they meet you. If their planets or Ascendant make bad aspects to your Ascendant, you’ll sense it; however, don’t take it personally even if you want to for it’s just a bad energy blend, nothing more.

Another anecdote worth mentioning here tells the story of a question I posed to the mother of a former runner-up contestant in a Miss Universe contest, both of whom, along with myself, were “high fashion” models at this department store, in the late 1960s. I really wanted this rabbit fur hat but it was expensive and I was stressing over whether I should buy it. The advice she gave me I have used ever since:

“Never buy anything unless it makes you feel like a million dollars.” What if we were to apply the same advice to our love life?








The more harmonious cross aspects someone’s Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars makes to your Rising Sign, and vice-versa, the higher degree of attraction there is, the higher the degree you feed each other energy fields, the more satisfied you are, the better you feel around the other, all of which is reinforced continually. Keep in mind, not all “food” exists solely on the physical plane.


Have you ever seen the film, "The English Patient"? If so, remember all the trials and tribulations the lovers went through to stay together? And how he left her in the cave, near death, going through a living hell to get help for her, only to return too late?

What tied the knot that tight, binding them through heaven and hell on Earth, the latter of which required of her, unbearable pain and suffering to stay alive for many days in that cave, when she could have traded pain for sweet sleep of merciful death, letting go? Why did she hold on and why did he in his suffering that followed?

I use this extreme example so that you may distinguish between a cross-aspect of attraction as previously discussed, and one of endurance, the latter of which seems to have more to do with soul evolution than rapport.

Most of the time, life isn’t a bowl of cherries; sometimes, it can be the pits, with happy days manifesting in between. Granted, the rapport between you increases feelings of love and devotion as time goes by. A “Soulmate” relationship is a deep, esoteric, spiritual “soul contract” between two people (whether or not sex is involved) that when faced with one of life’s sudden storms, anchor’s the relation—ship, keeping it steady, staying upright, and moving in the right direction of soul growth. This is what makes the “marriage made in heaven” a sacred institution, the most natural path to maturity, and what distinguishes it from a “love affair.”

Endurance cross-aspects vary from light to heavy, enjoyable to not so enjoyable; for the sake of clarity, I’ve chosen the most challenging of all: Saturn cross-aspects.

Saturn rules reality, among other things, and since denial is considered by some such as myself to be the greatest of all sins, it can be a real pain in the neck until you make a friend of reality. Saturn asks us to get real about the house (area of our life) it is found in as well as the houses-areas that planets aspecting Saturn are in, in addition to the certain kinds of energies we possess, that these planets represent.

The same can be said for compatibility horoscope cross-aspects another person’s Saturn makes to our planets (energies). Let’s face it; we have to put up with anothers Saturn somewhere!

As they do with our Saturnian energy which can be demanding, delaying, requiring patience on their part. On the negative side, it can be the “can of worms” we adopt when we get involved in a serious relationship with someone, be it friend, lover, boss, co-worker, mate or offspring.

On the positive side, Saturn falling in your partner’s second house of money can put the brakes on his spending sprees, which can be a good thing. In your fifth house, he may curb your gambling or taking other kinds of risks detrimental to your health.

However, there are areas where you do not want Saturn influence, namely the first, fourth, seventh or tenth houses; these would be deal breakers for me as his Saturn would, in the first house, drain me of life force; fourth house: restrict my home life; seventh; be too old in age or the marriage would be fraught with sorrow; tenth house: put restrictions on my career and therefore livelihood.

Other endurance cross aspects are not hard and can even be enjoyable such as harmonious Sun signs.

In conclusion, as cohesive a force as attraction aspects are, they are not enough to keep you together “in sickness and in health, until death do us part.” Think of your marriage as a home-made raft; boards tied tightly enough together so that you don’t sink. You have to have enough of both to make a “marriage made in heaven.”


Just as our temporal bodies have a life cycle, so too do our relationships have a beginning, middle and end. Even the one with your body will end someday. Nothing lasts forever. Some last longer than others depending on their ultimate or spiritual purpose; in fact, with each good-bye, we’ll learn more about who we are in relationships of all kinds than if we were to live a life of solitude. The most painful good-bye I have ever experienced had the ultimate effect of teaching more about who I am than any other life experience I’ve had; thank God my suffering was not in vain. Quite the contrary in that it led me to becoming an even more effective healer and medium albeit a wounded one, first channeling my Soul or Higher Self, and after that, finding my Spirit Guides, empowering me to help myself and others even more. The point here is that no love you give is in vain, so don’t close your heart to love for that would be the biggest mistake you could ever make. Just love smartly.


Socrates said: “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Funny, but the more I know myself, the more I have in common with others as if we are all ONE, on some esoteric level.

When it comes to the art of relating, start with the relationship you have with your Soul or Higher Self, because it’s the only part of “YOU” that’s capable of unconditional love and you want a mate that loves you unconditionally, don’t you? What if you weren’t raised in a family by parents who loved you unconditionally and so you don’t know what that is. You’ve got to start somewhere, right? So start with your SELF, your true and real self.

I came from such a dysfunctional and controlling religious fanatical household, I didn’t know what good love was. You can read more about this on my website. I began studying my NATAL HOROSCOPE in the early 1970s as I kept meeting men who were emotionally unavailable for me.

Among other things, I needed to know if I:
  • Could get along with others;  
  • Could enjoy a monogamous relationship; 
  • Needed to work on my character 
  • Needed healing from an abusive childhood; 
  • Needed none of the above.
Don’t you want to know what you’ve got going for and against you so that you have more control over your life? How could I know anyone else if I didn’t know my Self? WE ARE TRAINED TO LOOK OUTWARD WITH OUR EYES, NOT INWARD AT OURSELVES USING OUR INNER EYE. Most of us don’t know who we are behind the mask nor do we see ourselves as others see us. Jesus Christ said “Physician, heal thyself.”

Next, invest in PRE-marriage counseling BEFORE you get married, AS SOON AS you begin to think you’re starting to get serious about someone; don’t wait until it’s too late, and the damage is done and you can’t take back what you said. Be proactive. Get a COMPATABILITY HOROSCOPE done so that you know the strengths and weaknesses of the energy blend that is your relationship; after all, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

Remember, it has been scientifically proven that love is blind until the dopamine wears off. Don't be one of those “fools who rush in where angels fear to tread.”

As for you Moms and Dads out there: Know when your children take their first breath so as to get an accurate birth time, please. Raise them by their “COSMIC BLUEPRINTS” so you don’t make the mistake so many do in creating a clone of yourself. Why not celebrate these SOULS in all THEIR glory who have incarnated through, (not of) you. Get their NATAL HOROSCOPE interpreted either through a personalized reading with me or via the CHILD OF LIGHT SPECIAL REPORT, and make a copy for them to study.

Next, have a COMPATIBILITY HOROSCOPE interpreted by me or get the RELATIONSHIP HOROSCOPE SPECIAL REPORT, and give a copy to them when their mature enough to appreciate it. Build on the harmonious cross aspects between you as they take the pressure off the inharmonious cross-aspects that cause so much grief between parents and their children. Since you can’t quit such relationships, it pays on all four levels to find common ground and accentuate that in order to raise healthy children with good self-esteem.

Doing both can be invaluable for you and your loved ones; compared to the cost of therapy, this is an extremely cost-effective way of getting the most out of life and all of your significant other relationships. Choose Self-Empowerment over Victimhood.

Since “a journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step” (Confucious) take a moment and make your intention to attract only those relationships that will bring out the best in you, people who are VERY receptive to the love you need to give, and who will love you back, in equal measure.

That is my wish for all of God’s children. And so it is!

--Mary Kinlen